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Hey just wanted to say thank you to all my fans and friends who  supported/helped/donated  during my really really bad awful time these  past two months.

If wasn't for my friends i would done something stupid already already.  My life still uncertain at the moment, but working hard to one day say "  i feel secure in my own place".

Wish have more to say, typing this while extremely sleepy and heading to bed. Thank you all again.



I'm hopeful for a better future for you. Thank you for your hard work these months!

Akio aria

Hang in there man. Be strong


You deserve all the good things you get after the difficult time you've had. If you need any moral support, you can count on me. And also my financial support, such as it is on this site.

Zachary Rivard

I'll pray for you man. Good to have that support and keep on trucking. Plus, I became a member not only to support you, but also because really love your work and style.

Jayden Hardy

You’re very welcome Raxki, We’re very glad to help you. Please do your very best and never give up. I really hope you’ll feel secure in your own place one day. You absolutely deserve all the good things you get after the very rough time you’ve had. I’m also hoping for a better future for you, please stay strong my friend.