[Ryoko's Factions] Underhanded Arm (Patreon)
Underhanded Arm
Prosthesis, rare
Component: Construct gears
When students started discreetly using prosthetic enhancements to set record times in their craftsmanship exams, the College of Hanabi held a lengthy assembly to discuss sanctions and prohibitions. Ultimately, they decided against any ban, citing that ingenuity was to be encouraged… and omitting the fact that several professors had started using the prostheses themselves.
Prosthesis Properties. This prosthesis can replace or enhance an arm.
Limb Leverage. While wearing this prosthesis, you can use it to wield a melee weapon with the Two-handed or Versatile property as if it were held in two hands.
Efficient Fingers. While wearing this prosthesis, the time needed to make any Dexterity check using tools with which you are proficient is halved. Additionally, each hour you spend crafting an item using your Dexterity counts as 2 hours towards the item’s completion.
Very rare variant: The prosthesis has the Enhanced Handling property.
Enhanced Handling. While wearing this prosthesis, you have advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks and on Strength (Athletics) checks made to grapple creatures.