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Shadowbound Armour

Armour (medium or heavy), very rare (requires attunement)

Component: Beast (dire wolf) pelt

They say that behind every megalomaniac aspirant to apotheosis is an unflinchingly loyal shadow hound. It’s a slightly overspecific saying… but it holds true.

Vow of Loyalty. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can choose a creature you can see to form a bond with until you finish a long rest. While wearing this armour, you have advantage on melee attack rolls made against targets within 5 feet of your bonded creature. In addition, your bonded creature gains a +1 bonus to AC while it’s within 5 feet of you. If your bonded creature is reduced to 0 hit points, you take 4d6 psychic damage and the bond is broken.

Packleader’s Howl. While wearing this armour, you can use a bonus action to release a bolstering howl. Up to three creatures of your choice other than your bonded creature that are within 30 feet of you and can hear you become bonded to your bonded creature as per the Vow of Loyalty property for 1 minute. Your bonded creature gains a +1 bonus to AC for each creature bonded to it that is within 5 feet of it. Once this property of the armour has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.


Rare variant: Remove the Packleader’s Howl property.


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