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Greeeetings from the Reincarnatum, everyone!

We have been trying really hard to juggle and balance Lust Incarnate Comics, our lives and most intensely, Dee's house move!

It was very sudden, but necessary, and eventually, the tightening vice of moving stress made itself known. We have shared the WIP of page 11 of Androids Who Dream, but we hope to have the page finished ASAP.

However, we will be sharing other developments and Lust Incarnate Comics goodies for the time being: it's only the more time intensive pages that are being halted for now. <3

Not that it is necessary, but here is an offering until the pages are back.

It's me. In another life, as a rave-dancing Ukrainian boy.

We will keep you posted.

Thank you for understanding!

- Miguel (and Dee!)


Pachouli Fish

Good luck with the move!! And please take care of yourself. Stress fucking sucks, and moving stress is one of the worst. (Says someone who has moved every year for 7-8 years, UGH)

Pachouli Fish

Raver Miguel is so cute!

Lust Incarnate Comics

Oof, I feel that pain. I've moved like 6 times in 8 years and it has been a blessing to not have to move in the last two. We will be okay. Pinky promise. <3 - Miguel


Saw Dee’s tweet that shes moving house and was like “Well maybe next week the page will come out lol.”