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Whirr, tsssh... fizz.

Nonary Page Upload: [COMPLETE]

The ninth page of The Outlandish Knight plots and concludes a fitting tale of beauty and woe...

An Elf-Knight turned lover turned assassin lies slain, but will Queen Wynnflaed of House Oakheart let history fade away?

With that, our mighty and inaugural tale of The Outlandish Knight is finished! I hope you all enjoyed this comic, as much as we enjoyed creating it! Stay tuned for next week, as we reveal more about our future project(s)...




Ah story of beauty and lust! Told in gorgeous images - well done! 👏🔥 Can't wait to see what's next ✨

Luna Yoku

I so wish this was longer but it was lovely all the same <3


The description almost makes me think there will be more to that thing that what we got-

Lust Incarnate Comics

Short and sweet is how we wanted The Outlandish Knight! But worry not, we will have much longer projects being announced soon.. 😏 - Miguel