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Hello everyone (> uO) d I have the video almost ready ♥ but I can't decide which shade to use, what kind of shade do you think Hikage suits best?

The voting will be a bit quick since I plan to upload the video in a few more hours to know your taste ♥

 • First option 

•  Second option



Seriously ? 50 - 50? hahaha I will make the tiebreaker for users with the highest level of reward in each vote


Guess I missed the vote I was going choose the first one but both are good can't believe a 50/50

hirotaku (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-12 20:42:12 Precisely that term winning (>uO)d
2021-03-07 02:06:08 Precisely that term winning (>uO)d

Precisely that term winning (>uO)d