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There's a reason for everything I do. Every question, every gesture... I use everything at my disposal to bring you deep into trance for me. I love to set your mind racing, force you inward, and have you absorbed in the experience of my words.

Of course, some gestures are more powerful than others. Gazing directly into my eyes, what hope does that obedient mind have? No hope... only the desire to fall further into my control.

CN: Very conversational style. Leaves a post suggestion that you'll find looking into my eyes when I'm not wearing my spectacles even more powerfully hypnotic than before. 


How do you feel?



This is the most perfect hypnotic video i've ever seen. You are Amazing i'm so in love with You.


I haven't watched this yet, but I just want to point out that every time Diana Prince took off her glasses, she turned into Wonder Woman. Just sayin. :)

Percy Merryweather

Even now I can feel those eyes piercing into me.

Charles Valentine

The gloves are so sexy. You bring me face to face with helplessness Do the Brits use the expression, "Deer in the headlights?"


There is so much to love here. The setting, the gloves, the necklace, the glasses, the makeup, the eyes, the theme. Just wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing.


You become more magical and more beautiful every time i come back to see You. Marvelous!