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Trav goes back to his job as a flight attendant, corrupting males into gay gnolls in cities he visits, but his fellow flight attendant, Victoria, finds something very different about him, and can’t let it go, especially with how much of his musk she’s been taking in. She’s particularly interested in the cologne he’s giving to male passengers after their flights. She steals one of the small bottles and soon finds herself addicted and more.


Dominus of Haruk'ha: Scent of Obsession

An Eiji Otaka Creation Elusive Friendly Yeenwolf Writer Corrupted Transformation Architect Dominus of Haruk'ha: Scent of Obsession Not all flight attendants are gay, but this one is and after a whiff of dat musk, you will be too. OVERVIEW Trav goes back to his job as a flight attendant, corrupt...


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