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Terry is a guy that’s been out of shape since college. While scrolling through Insta, he finds a traveling physical trainer, Emiliano Gadura AKA Million Muscles Milio, to help him get fit. Terry decides to give it a chance and pays for a week. He’s surprised when Milio comes and stays with him to get him pumped, but the muscle hunk’s can-do attitude, heavy workouts, and keto kibble changes Paul into one of his muscle pups and devoted followers eager to spread the canine gains.

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Alpha Excursions: Keto, Kibble, and Cum

An Eiji Otaka Creation Elusive Friendly Yeenwolf Writer Corrupted Transformation Architect Pumped-up Pups: Keto, Kibble, and Cum Tagline OVERVIEW Terry is a guy that's been out of shape since college. While scrolling through Insta, he finds a traveling physical trainer, Emiliano Gadura AKA Mil...


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