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Hair is ready 100%  ✔
Eyes/face 40%
Body M. 80%
Clothing(Akatsuki cape) 50% in this one I already have textures, just need to modify few things in the model and proceed to the hardest thing: Making it work ingame.

Honestly I don't think I'm going to finish Konan for tomorrow but I'll end up all about character looking, and gonna finish editing of clothing at blender. Problem here is Unity to convert it to a mod.
I'll think about releasing a Version 1.0 with a default cape from the game and then release the final version with original Akatsuki cape few days later.
In these last 3 days I've slept like 3 hours per each, for real. I'm so excited about releasing one of my favorite waifus from all times.
Gonna keep trying my best to can release her fully tomorrow.



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