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Hello everyone, today there will be a slightly unpleasant conversation... I want to talk to you, especially concerns for those who have recently canceled their subscription...

After my last announcement, I noticed the audience leaving and your negative opinion on this matter, and I canceled everything I wanted to do, because there was a misunderstanding and rejection on your part of such news...

Roughly speaking, I went too far and the departure of a considerable number of the audience hit me, if this continues further, then I don’t know what I will do... you are the most important motivator for me, in a way for me this is not just a hobby but a job...

That’s why I want to know your opinion, why did you leave and what do you not enough, this also applies to everyone else, what do you miss and what would you like?

I hope I can somehow solve the current problem, thank you for your attention.


Zephyr Gecko

To me, I didn't mind the price increase. I love your art style, and how often you post, so you asking for more on the commission/request side of things was very reasonable.

Chris Diesel

I'm not rich i would live to see all the artists post but I can only afford to do so much I would live to have commission done but I can't really afford it and when price increase I have to walk away


I wasn't aware of anything that happened? Was it a raise in the price?


Yes, it was related to the last post where I wanted to make a small price increase on (a certain subscription)... but everyone else thought it was for everyone(


I don't force anyone pay for subscription, your's priorities should be more important than a subscription... it's just that when there is a big decline in the audience, I start to worry and think that I'm doing something wrong(


Thanks for the answer, initially the reason was a flood of requests from fans, and there was simply no time to do it, as others came... the price increase was only for (a certain subscription level), and not for everyone... but many thought that it would affect them too(


I'm not leaving and still here.. Hahaha..


Anyway, about the price, I'm okay if you raise the price but, need to be clear how much price will raise after $10 for the next month..

Darth Saeris

I had left previously but just because I had some financial issues to take care of and had to cancel a bunch of my patreon subs. Just came back today though! I just realized how much I missed your art in particular. It’s sooooo good!


As I already wrote in the post... I will not raise the price, so that there are no problems and not to anger everyone ha ha... the most I can do is to create a new subscription level for requests)

Zephyr Gecko

Yeah, I knew it was only for the request tier, and you only have so much time for yourself, but like I said, I was alright with the increase, because if you're putting in all that extra effort, being paid for that amount of effort would be no problem to me


Yes i get it.. My point is no worries about the price, yes i know it's not for all but i think your arts it's beautiful.. Still worth for me.. I'm not rich too, but cmon, it's still cheap man.. haha..


Just hitting some financial hardship, nothing about the quality of the art, you’re a great creator!

XxKaruMuraxX II

Similar to most comments here. I love your style and won’t be leaving. I believe with my tier I don’t get to do requests. But for your quality I think charging a little bit more is reasonable. And prioritizing those over regular requests.

Tentacle Pop

Keep it to one style to make it be more known. Great work tho

Lucas Francisco

Hello, I think you could put a Request for the normal subscription (in some countries like Brazil where I live, for example, 5$ and as if it were 30$, not counting taxes.) and two for the second, that would help. The normal subscription doesn't have much interaction with you. And really your style is very good and unique, don't try to change, if you want diversity just put more positions and put more like double penetration positions and cumshots on everyone's faces and Spanish, I don't know. It's just an idea. Perhaps reopening the first one that has no option for anything cheaper and can access its content in a limited way could be an entry point for new users


Thanks for the answer, I understand that different countries have their own rate, in my country it also costs money if you convert it into currency... you can just say this is the base price for which you can get access to all my art (except for the mega folder)... but you don't need to think that you have fewer privileges)