Moda en Gandia and My Editing Workflow (Patreon)
Here's the set from Gandia featuring Poetic Minx and Olga. I shot this with the Z6 and 50mm lens.
The back light shots were mostly around F3.5, F4.0 and 1/2500 sec, ISO 200. Exposure judged as usual by just looking at the viewfinder preview and moving around a lot to get the right effect. Both girls were also moving and I'm super impressed how these two flowed together. I shoot a lot of duos of Aurora with other models and it ALWAYS works well, but with Olga it was another level in my view.
Direct light shots were shot with the same settings except at higher shutter speed.
Files were processed like this:
1. Open RAW in Camera RAW. Apply lens profile adjustments for perspective.
2. Apply my own preset via Camera RAW. I have a range of presets which originally came from VSCO. They were the best film emulation presets I've seen but they're now discontinued. I liked one or two of those presets above all else so I took them and modified them to create a range of my own presets which have the same basic colour grading with subtle variations.
Also, while in Camera Raw, I adjust the "Light" settings. These sliders are the best there is and many photo software tools actually use them apparently. Colour Mixer and Curve I also sometimes adjust.
3. Save the file.
4. Open photoshop and (maybe) do some minor skin work using frequency separation. You can get the full frequency separation kit complete with four video tutorials and example images. Check it out here. I often also use layers in PS - for things like adjusting exposure in parts of the image using a curves layer etc.
4. Save the file.
5a. Occasionally, I then use Color Efex Pro for some of the settings it offers which aren't available anywhere else that I know of like Pro Contrast, Contrast Colour Range, Correct Colour Cast and Remove Colour Cast
5b. Open the file in Silver Efex Pro to make a B&W image. That's another story!