Some Long Lads (Patreon)
...they are so tall. I don't know how, but they're about 21" tall. Future dergs will be SLIGHTLY shorter by just a smidge - maybe an inch or so, with slightly shorter arms as well. Pretty happy with the overall poseability though! The antlers are big, but not overly heavy so they don't seem to cause any issues with balance (and that huge tail makes a great tripod for more stretched out poses).
Their hands can hold small things too which is always ...handy??
Thank you all so much for sticking around through their design process. Its been a lot of fun to work on a new design when there's an appreciative support system around to bounce ideas off!
Both these two will be in the shop Monday afternoon at 3pm, est. They'll be listed at $425, which is $25 less than future longlads they're the first we've made.