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Meet Cyn. She is a member of a specific race that will be in Mercs' Tale. I have a plan for her and her companion that I think a lot of people like. I'm come here today to see if anyone has a name idea for her companion. The companion is going to be a specialist that Cyn is duty-bound to protect. Of course, in the world of swords and sorcery, things happe and perhaps Cyn will call on the help of some capable mercenaries. 

My point is, I'd like to take suggestions on a name for Cyn's charge. Cyn and this new character are both  descended from reptillian-esque humanoids. This group was blessed/cursed centuries ago. 

 If you prefer to keep your ideas private, feel free to just message your idea to me via Patreon. I always enjoy hearing from you.

Have a good day everybody. Thanks again for your continued support. 



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