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We did it!

Thank you for your support!


Sunwave Hotel v5 Link  - PC

Sunwave Hotel v5 Link - Android

Sunwave Hotel v5 Link - Mac

I have also attached a simple walkthrough to get you to all the scenes if you're struggling at any point.

Content Summary

The Main Quest

Recently, you helped save Mel from mysterious attackers. Now it's time to see if the best (and only) mechanic on Lowoswah Island can get you flying again. 

The story for this build leads us right up to some of the last steps before Island 2. The soon to be named Island will feature new characters, the continuation of the Main Story, and plenty of more sexy fun!

3 New Sex Senes!

Perluun - Sex on the Beach!

Adoka - What's this hole for?

Mel - Best Lube Job ever! (Hint. It's a boob job.)

This brings the total number of 10 Erotic Scenes. 6 are Animated.  There are also 2 non-Erotic scenes, though one is plenty sexy.

Full Patch Notes available here.

Steps to play the Game

1- Download the Zip file. Extract it using a program like 7zip or another extracted program.

2- In the folder, you should just double click the Sunwave Hotel Application Icon and they you'll be good to go.

Bugs and Issues

Some people have resolution issues with like 4k or just, different sizes on the first map. I am terribly sorry about this. It is being fixed for new update. You can get around it by adjusting your size, or you can contact me and I'll send you a save for the next map.

Please DM me with bugs and issues, or report them in the new Discord Channel labeled Bug Reporting

It was also reported that people couldn't save on Android. The coder is going to dig into that next week so hopefully, we will have an update for Android Users in early June. 

Thank you for your patience.

If you encounter bugs and issues, please contact me here on 

Link Issues

Of course if there is any problems getting the content running, also DM me or comment on this page!

Cheers and have an awesome weekend!




and don't forget to mention: Always unpack the game to a seperate folder,f.e. pervert games (if you want that moma find out what you play) never in the downloadfolder and if the zip-file doesn't include a folder where the game is stored, you need to create a folder with the name of the game in your pervy games folder ;-)