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Hello everyone,

I was supposed to put out this post earlier. This month really just ground me down. I don't know exactly what it was, but it just felt like I couldn't get the magic going for most things. 

I couldn't lock down a Sunwave Hotel update either, and that is really frustrating to me, both just professionally and with how much I care about the game and growing it monthly so that people have more content to enjoy.

I will need at least 1-2 more weeks to get it to a point that I feel is solid. On the other side, I am hoping to rally in April and have a lot more erotic story updates out as well.

I have talked with some of you already and you're always supportive when things take a little longer, and for that you have my thanks. 

But again, I should have made this post earlier, and I am hopeful that we won't need another one of these posts for a long time.

Thanks again for all of your support and likes, and I hope you had a good March despite everything crazy going on in the world.

Over the weekend, I am hoping to have 1-2 updates, to at least start April off right. Keep an eye out for those, and more updates for characters and scene art.


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