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Zatanka fans will be eating well in the next few updates. Work is at 99 percent for the first scene featured, with the second one only needing coloring. Then they'll both be off to writing and coding.

In Scene 1, Zatanka and Kuhno are continuing to work out how to best share the man they love. This is a reverse of the previous threesome image with Kuhno and Zatanka. Saying that makes it sound too easy heh. Artist did a bangup job with Kuhno's sultry expression.

You can tell she is like, 'It's cool. I can share a bit so long as I get to watch that ass bounce while Xun fucks her.

In Scene 2, Zatanka and Xun go out for a night at the club. This scene will have two different versions, and the preview is from her corrupted path. She not only goes to the club with some pet play in mind, she also wears a sexy bondage outfit with sheer material barely covering up her hard nipples. Zatanka is more than ready to serve her master.

I am starting to think about doing a small update this month, mainly because the end of the month, I will be moving and then after moving I almost go straight into a trip.

Let me know what you guys think of a small update this month, and then a larger update in August? We actually kind of have some of the perfect openings for it too. I will at least make sure that all companion characters have their special content available for the point in the story where the action moves from Island 2 to Island 3. Special thanks to all of you for not spoiling any major developments here or on Discord.

Until next time, have a great Friday!



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