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Allow me to go on a mini rant because this is something that i have always said about this show but nobody seems to notice.

The Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy is the anti fairy odd parents.

Starting with that both shows have a similar art style for the characters, having tick lines on the outside and thin in the inside of the character, is the backgrounds that make the difference, but you can pretty much put timmy on grim and he'll fit perfectly.

Grim features one magic entity that is bound to two kids, FOP has two magic entities tied to one kid (later more but originally two to one). Grim hates his kids Billy and Mandy and they dont care for him, the FOP love Timmy and vice versa. There is a guy that hunts magic beings that is after the kids magic entity(ies) BUT in Grim he succeeds in the first episode while in FOP he always fails.

Grim has a magical artifact he uses most of to time to grant the kids wishes which sometimes get stolen just like the wands of the FOP.

There is more, Timmy's parents nor nobody can know about the FOP, everybody and their mom knows about Grim being bound to the kids for eternity, heck he is stuck working for Billy's dad in some episodes. Mandy and Billy are basically the opposite of Timmy in different ways, billy taking the worst part of timmy and taking it to 11 and mandy hating on everyone around her, Timmy wishes for better for his parents? Mandy threatens her parents violently.

You can probably trace a lot of the characters from one show to the other but this falls more on the stereotypes line. The bully, the smart friend, the not so important friend, the popular girl, recurring villain.

Most of FOP episodes end with "i wish it all goes back to normal", Grim episodes end with "Did the kids die? am I free? no? damn it!" It doesn't matters if half the town is destroyed, they rarely go fully for the lets go back to normal route and there is usually some form of continuation.

Grim and FOP are this parallel-opposite sort of shows. For the characters and the way they behave, the way the show works, their worlds (jesus their worlds, one is mostly happy cute stuff and the other one is full scary crazy looking monsters). And it drives me nuts that nobody talks about it. They are in opposite cartoon brands nick and CN! They are perfect opposite parallels!



Tokyo Ghost

Very nice, i completely forgot about thay tricycle. I love how the spank marks


On a related note, at the end of the movie of grim. Manny gets grim while billy and his parents are on some type of house arrest