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Good morning guys, lately I've been going through a sometimes hard soul searching journey. Believe it or not, the deeper I went into this moment of my life as Benjamin Koll, the more I distanced myself from the past, ran towards the future, but also had more and more involuntary regrets about the past, to the point that if someone called me by my former name, I'd feel terribly uncomfortable and even angry.

So I went back into therapy. I had to face whatever was happening in my subconscious and learn to live with both worlds, who I was and who I am now. And when I do that kind of work on myself, it always ends up being reflected in my creations. And this is an example of that. I called it "we meet again" and I'm not sure who is who, but somehow it makes me feel good to have put it into a piece ☺️

Never be afraid to look inside and get help to deal with whatever is happening. The mind is another beautiful tool we have at our disposal that sometimes may need to be repaired. There's nothing wrong with that, it's just life. Have a wonderful Friday 😘 ❤️



Roland Massing-Fritz

Hola mi querido Benjamín, hiciste bien en hacer esta terapia. No debemos negar nuestro pasado, es parte de nosotros y no podemos ignorarlo sea cual sea el motivo, aunque a veces quisiéramos borrar los malos momentos de los que ya no queremos oír hablar. Así que sé feliz tal como eres y recuerda que así te queremos. Tienes todo mi apoyo y estoy seguro de que mucha gente piensa como yo. Feliz viernes y buen fin de semana para ambos. Abrazos y besos tiernos 😘 😘 😘 🤗🤗🤗🤗🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️


Buenos dias querido Roland. Gracias por tu lindo mensaje. Es cierto, hay veces que sin saber como nos metemos en espacios mentales complicados. Muchas veces para olvidar malos recuerdos, otros para olvidar tal vez a otras personas. En cualquier caso, soy un férreo defensor de la terapia y del yoga y la meditación. Es muy importante estar bien por dentro y por fuera. Muchos besos y feliz fin de semana 😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️