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Hey guys! Today is a great day and I have some news for you ☺️

First of all, my apologies for not posting and replying the past few days, this round of chemo hit me really hard and I just wasn't able to function most of the day. I'm feeling better since yesterday, but I still need to rest when my body asks for it. I've been working on lyrics and taking notes and a few other things, but slowly and quietly.

I hope to start posting again now that I'm feeling a little better, but please bear with me. I also want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your support and for sticking with me, you're the best ❤️‍🩹

There's an interview on The Bears Network today by my dear friend James Butler for their Big Boy Magazine. I think it's probably the best I've ever done and I'm super grateful to him for his patience. It took me about a month to complete and I want to share it with you: https://www.thebearsnetwork.com/blog/influencer-big-men-edition-benjamin-koll

Please share it with your friends, James' initiative needs to get more attention, he's doing a wonderful job showcasing our community.

Have a beautiful Wednesday 😘❤️



Victor VU

Cómo se te ha echado de menos en este comienzo de nuevo año. Adelante que ya te falta menos y tú puedes con todo. Siempre a tu lado 🥰😘


Muchas gracias querido, no fue por falta de ganas, pero simplemente esta vez la quimioterapia me pudo y marco las reglas 😅 espero que ya a partir de ahora sea mas llevadero, pero en cualquier caso es lo que es y cada dia que pasa esta mas cerca el 24 de febrero que ya quedare libre de ella, espero que por siempre ☺️ Besos y abrazos 😘❤️