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Hey guys, as I promised yesterday at the album listening party on Youtube, here's the first demo of "Your Body Is Made For Love".

This was the 8th song I wrote during my 8 Challenge last February. If I remember correctly, it was on the 7th day. I started in the morning polishing the previous day's demo of "Rise Up" and then started working on this at noon. I know for sure that I recorded the vocals you can hear on this demo at 5pm on March 4th because there are pictures and videos that were taken at that time (the cover picture is from that moment).

I started playing with chords and humming melodies when I realized that I hadn't written anything really sexy for the album. I recorded the vocals when I had just built the skeleton of the harmonies, played on a simple electric piano sound. And then I built the music around that. You will notice that the intro is very different, more ominous than the album version. I ended up scrapping it and working towards a more R&B arrangement on Jeremy Morse's advice. He suggested I go closer to the Janet Jackson sound and I hired a singer for the backing vocals, which you can hear on the album version. I still love that intro though. Maybe I should keep working on it.

Fun fact: I just noticed that both this song title and "Baby Let's (Get Down)" are misspelled on the CD edition 😅 There's always something... haha

Have a nice Sunday 😘 ❤️



Roland Massing-Fritz

Me gusta la demo, aunque es un poco diferente a la versión final y también se ve muy bien. El placer de escuchar es el mismo si es sólo una demostración. Que tengas un buen fin de semana y que tengas una gran semana. Abrazos y besos tiernos 😘 😘 😘


Las versiones demo siempre son interesantes de escuchar (incluso para mi pues muchas veces cuando las escucho tiempo después descubro cosas que no recordaba) porque incluyen las pistas de lo que la canción debe terminar siendo. Hay veces que uno acierta y la lleva donde debe ir, y otras no. Revisitarlas puede ayudar incluso a escribir nuevas canciones. Besos! 😘😘