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Hey guys, as promised here's a cool Halloween treat, a special mash up of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" and my "Beautiful Nothing" that I did for my Haunted Bears showcase in Mexico City last weekend.

I had access to some of the original MJ tracks (but not all, the horns would have been wonderful, and I didn't have much time to play them myself, maybe in the future), so I was able to create this fun mashup, which was mixed in the show with the "Sweet 2menkiss Dreams", which you can also find exclusively here on Patreon. 

We are back home from Mexico City, the event went great but we are really tired today 😅 that city traffic is crazy!

Happy Halloween! 😘❤️



Roland Massing-Fritz

I must admit that at first listen it's a little strange especially when you're used to the original version of Thriller and Beautiful Nothing, but afterward you get used to it quickly and the mix of the two fits together quite well. GOOD. I'm waiting to see what happens next... 😉🥰 Hugs and tender kisses 😘 😘 😘


It was a nice surprise during the show ☺️ and I was looking forward to share it with you 😘😘❤️❤️

Roland Massing-Fritz

I am happy that you shared it with us, as I always told you it is always a pleasure to discover new songs or remixes that you do and for that I say a big thank you and although this is not exclusively for me but I would take it as a bit of a birthday present. 😍😍😘😘😘❤️❤️


Oh happy birthday my dear friend, please let me know if you have any special requests, I’d love to make it happen for you 🎉🎉😘😘❤️❤️

Roland Massing-Fritz

Gracias mi querido Benjamín, aunque no doy la impresión, soy un hombre tímido y reservado, lo que a veces me bloquea en ciertos casos. Pero me gusta sorprenderme con lo que nos preparan, siempre es un placer y una gran sorpresa. Eres un hombre adorable, a quien amo y respeto por encima de todo.