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Good morning guys! Guess what? It's Friday of the cake!!! πŸ°πŸ˜œπŸŽ‰

Following a request from one of you yesterday, I jumped two sets to give you a taste of the cake at the end of this new photoshoot ☺️

I recorded the vocals for the third song yesterday and will probably record the fourth one later this afternoon. You have to ride the wave of inspiration when it comes πŸ˜….

Have a great Friday 😘 ❀️



Jesse Delgado

Truly the tastiest cake on the internet! I would love to worship you all night long!!!


Let’s start Fridays service then ☺️ bon appetite πŸ€ͺ😘❀️

Mikel Imaz Irastorza

Delicious looking cake! I wouldn't mind tasting it! Feliz Noche de Reyes!!!