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A while ago I did a pokemon comic about an adult Ash Ketchum being corrupted and turned into a drag replacement for Jessie of Team Rocket. Well this is an extrapolation of that concept that the original commissioner and I have been playing with for the last few months.

It goes like this: Ash, now craving the power that Team Rocket has and steeped in his new femininity, eventually moves up the chain in TR to the point where he actually takes over and rebrands to Team Roquette. He uses their scientists to develop a special potion that can hypnotize people into following Team Roquette, as well as force evolve certain pokemon. Ash uses the potion and all of that power to grow TR's rank and influence to eventually take over Kanto as its dark queen.

No idea if anything will come of this, but I figured I'd share all the same because it's kinda fun.




I cannot deny, this is still a hot idea. Even if I want to make Ash my Queen instead...