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Hello, my lovely patrons! Thanks for sticking with me or joining in on the fun for the first time. It's barbecue season, but make sure you check the instructions first! Let's get into this month's roadmap:

-Outlaws of Phalysium is going on a break this week so I can focus on generating a buffer of pages. It will return on the 9th with new pages! Ideally Outlaws will be over before the end of the month. I hope you've been enjoying the ride so far.

-As a replacement for Outlaws, this week will feature two new Lola commissions set at different points in her timeline. The first one coming out on the 2nd is the beginning of a mini-series about Lola on a mission to Coruscant that goes bad. The other one is coming out on the 5th is set after the events of Jabba's Mercy and builds more on that concept.

-I'm starting to figure out a timeline of events for this version of the Star Wars universe. I'll have more information on that soon-ish.

-If I can wrap up Outlaws before the end of the month, then the next big comic would be The Guide to Forgotten Monsters volume 2. I already have the scripts written for volumes 2 and 3, in fact! Those two comics should be coming out back to back over the next few months.

-I'm sure there will be doodles and sketch requests aplenty as well.

Thank you so much for your support! Stay cool out there.



Can't wait for the Lola stories, especially the Jabba's Mercy follow up. " Lola on a mission to Coruscant that goes bad", bad for her, but good for us.