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My premium comic FeMail is finished at a whopping 72 pages!

Next week I'll be doing daily releases of pages to finish out the story for my $5+ patrons. After that I'll release a .pdf version with new cover art. $7+ patrons can expect a behind the scenes post about what went into making FeMail next week as well.

Thanks so much for sticking with me on this project. This summer has been one of the busiest of my life. After moving and making over 150 pages of comics in under three months, one might expect I would take a break. Well, I haven't learned my lesson yet so expect another comic to start in September! That one's going to be way hornier than FeMail and Pretty John Bishop.

I'm also working on a SFW comic that I'll get more into next week. There will be another poll to gauge your interest.

We just passed a personal goal of mine to reach 125 patrons by the end of 2023 and it's only August. That's awesome! You're all awesome!

Thanks again,



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