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Hello everyone - especially guitar players, 

Here comes a short introduction on how to get started playing in DGDGDG-tuning. 

I hope it will be helpfull to you. 

All the best,




Seb, are all the good tunes you play on in the dgdgdg tuning

The Good Tune

Hi Blake! Actually I am both using standard tuning, dgdgdg, and cgcgcg, depending on what fits best with the tune in question 🙂 All the best!

Kat Edmonson

I can not seem to get this to play.

The Good Tune

Hi Kat, this one is a PDF document which can be downloaded via the link under the picture in the description. Can you find it?

Kat Edmonson

Yes - Thank you I did find it. I didn't realize it was a PDF!!! If possible when you post an early release or sheet music to please mention the tuning you are playing in? I love to try and play them in the alternate tunings .

Kat Edmonson

Soo...could you please tell me what tuning Femskaft is played in on the early release? It looks like you have the capo on the third fret, but the open string you play with that lovely harmony is much higher a note (a Bb). I tried the CFCFCF with the capo on the third but it doesn't give me that open Bb note.

The Good Tune

Hi Kat! The tuning is CGCGCG. Using this tuning gives you the Bb on three of the open strings when you place the capo on the third fret. All the best, Sebastian