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What's uuuuuuuuup amigos!
Today we feel more Wicked than ever! So let's start dreaming about the future.

We are very close to that 500 patrons goal, so we wanted to start gathering ideas for the first Marvel Comics character!!! Please feel free to put in the comments your ideas about that next character! Do you want a Magneto? Venom? Fantastic four? Put anything in your mind! The options are endless!

Now, le rules: Try to put your top option only, so we give everyone ideas a chance. If you see an option you like, hit the like button! We will take the hottest options and most voted and will do a poll soon!

Now, let the fun begins! We want to see a comment from everyone here!
Be Wicked and stay Wicked, my beautiful people!!!
Love you 3000 and enjoy!



Nobody Cares

create awesome designs of characters that can be placed together to create awesome dioramas.

arjan koens

Venom my all time favorite