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Today we feel patriotic, my dudes!!!
One hand in the heart, one in the shield!!!

It's time for you to know the main dish for this month!

With you, the Shield that protects the country, the good men by definition! One searching for redemption, the other Guardian of the legacy!! The latest Marvel duo! The Falcon in his Captain America version and the Winter soldier!!!

Amigos, this is one of our best. We think that we have been learning, little by little, and everything we know we put it in this model. As always, you will be able to have them separated and together. Also after the Dormammu diorama, we realize that we need to think in smaller diorama bases, and his is the first step to adjust that. This Diorama base is going to be easy to print, so you can do it in your homes without issues!

You can check the images here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/51301979

Please let us know what you think in the comment section below!

Duuuuudes, you can't imagine how happy and grateful we are with you. This is what we love to do, and we are blessed to have such fantastic community who support us! This month we are very satisfied with the result, and we think that Wicked is becoming stronger and better with each term. So, as always, Million gracias for being part of this Wicked dream, and hope that what we do gives you the hapiness that each of you deserves <3.

Alright people, this is it for today! Enjoy and have a Wicked weekend!


Wicked May Diorama: Falcon And the Winter Soldier Concept design Video

Today we feel patriotic, my dudes!!! One hand in the heart, one in the shield!!! It's time for you to know the main dish for this month! With you, the Shield that protects the country, the good men by definition! One searching for redemption, the other keeping the legacy!! The latest Marvel duo! The Falcon in his Captain America version and the Winter soldier!!! Visit https://www.patreon.com/3dWicked for more ! Each month SIX highly detailed Marvel Comics 3d models tested and ready for printing ! Join us today! Be Wicked!~


George Johnson

I'm new to the wicked site...Where do you download the STL file when it gets released


Hey George! Welcome to Wicked and thanks for joining us! Please take a look at your patreon inbox, we left the Welcome pack with a lot of models and important information to start your Wicked collection. The May term will be released by june 5th, and it goes directly to your patreon inbox, my friend! Please let us know if we can be of any assistance, and thanks a lot for your support and love! Happy printing and be Wicked!

George Johnson

Could you please tell me where the patron inbox is located


Hey dude what's up! There must be an icon in the top right of your screen, where the inbox is located. Also you should get a e-mail notification about the message we sent you. Please check both and let us know how it goes, my friend!