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What's uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup, my dudes!
How is sunday going? I bet you're all fluffy after the fantastic food in the holidays, right <3?

Well, it time to put the heart pumping! We give you, the concept design for our Glorious next term: Venom, Carnage and Domino in their busts form!

Yes amigos, these beauties are coming in just few days, so get ready and gather the materials, because you will want to have each of 'em in your collections!We are pretty excited because they look awesome. The icing on the cake, after the wonderful sculkptures we have for the month!

Let us know what you think in the comment section below!

The Next Term is gonna be released around december 5th, directly to your patreon inbox! What a day to have a printer at home!

Alright amigos, that's it for today! Hope you like the Wicked stuff, and let's start the week with the best vibe!

Million gracias for your love and support, and happy printing, my dudes!


Together, we are the WICKED LEGEND!!!
Next Term: Venom vs Carnage, Domino comic version!
Our Rules
Promo active:
Print, paint & Share - 800 patrons goal and Happy birthday from Wicked
Help us decide the next goal
Wicked artists making cool stuff! Ben Painting, Creative Collector, Groundeffected, Gallifreii3d



Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

This is excellent! Just need a proper name plate for "Carnage".

David Q

Absolutely love both of them. My favorite symbiote models anywhere. I just wanted cross my fingers and ask, will there be a regular head for venom and maybe a small tongue carnage? 🤞


Ramiro, my SF amigo!!! We will check on that and see what we can do, but most probably it will, my dude!


David, que pasa, my dude! Yes, Venom will have several head options, and Carnage will have once version without tongue!