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Que pasa, my dudes! This monday, the Cap have something important to tell you <3

Wicked is by far our favorite thing in the world. It's an idea that we created from zero, and where we have our hopes and dreams built in! It's that place where all of us can be and belong, open for everyone, where we can have fun, and be happy, free and of course, Wicked!

That's our patreon's motto, and will be forever the flag for our community. It's what's keeping us together. That and the sweet models, of course! But the models without the feeling, well, feels empty and fall short, right?  

These lines are to remind you what's our position and ideals, and to point out that lately that feeling has been blurry in our polls for some people. Thank goodness is just a tiny, small number in our community, but we want everyone to keep it in mind.

From now on, we are going to be extra careful with the comments we allow in the comment section. There is a big, big difference between a comment, idea or suggestion, and just plain, boring negativity. The last one is not going to be allowed anymore, and sadly we would need to act on that.

It's not like you can't disagree with us, or don't like something, but please take into consideration the other people who is reading, and do think your words before posting. That way we can have a healthy conversation where we can grow together, and get to understand each other. Otherwise we will be forced to delete the comment, and if that's happening often, well, go further.

This is a friendly reminder that we are in this together! And now, more than ever, we will push with everything we have to make Wicked the place we dreamed to be.

Thank you so much for reading these lines, and hope you get that Wicked and the community is our best, our heart, and our future. And we will do everything at our hand to make it as best we can, and hopefully ,together! <3

Lots of love your way and stay tuned, because this week is going to get Wicked!
Cha, cha, my dudes!



Victoria Riseborough

All I can say, from one artist to another, is do not compromise your flair and vision and passion for others, because you got this far with it.


Sadly, hate and disconcerting words come with any platform with a comment section. You guys are awesome, keep up the work!


You are right my dear dude! But we must say that our community is amazing! We rarely see hateful comments! Thank you so much to you for the support and we are happy to have you here! <3