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There’s love in the air!!!! Our Wicked heart beats for you and, as a demonstration of all our love, we bring some lovely couples, handpicked for you, from all our three patreons!! ❤️🔥

From Wicked with love!

A magical and infinite love: SCARLET WITCH & VISION

A couple from another galaxy: STAR-LORD & GAMORA

A duo that feels like one: LOKI & SYLVIE

A friendship to die for: HAWKEYE & BLACK WIDOW


A Crazy and sick love: JOKER & HARLEY QUINN

A love flies high: HAWKMAN & HAWKGIRL

From Star Wars!

A Space Couple: HAN SOLO & LEIA

A Bounty Hunter duo: BOBA FETT & FENNEC SHAND

Check your message inbox on Patreon and there you will find our sweet gift of love! With all our love Wicked! ❤️




Gracias chicos/as de corazón,que tengáis un San Valentín hermoso

Benjamin Falk Jessen

Thank you so much! Very kind of you! Just one note: The Loki Sculpture link says "Sorry, the discount code you wish to use has expired." Tried refreshing it, but still getting an error.


Hello Benjamin! What's uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!!! Thank you very much for letting us know! This has been corrected! Enter the link and it should work for you! <3


¡Nuestro San Valentín será hermoso porque sabemos que contamos con personas como tu en nuestra comunidad mu dear Psico! ¡Muchas gracias por todo el amor que nos dais! Nos haces muy felices <3