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Que pasa, my dudes!!!
Here we are, ready to burn the friday doooooooooooooooooooooooown!!!!

I don't know about of you, but sometimes we get the feeling to put some jack in the glass, rock some Motorhead, grab the Motorbike and hit the road so hard that even the hell's fire will not catch us!!!

Hold that feeling, cuz its time to bring it to your collections! Its time to meet the skull to the eyes and confess your sins!!! Speak your evil, hear your evil, see your evil!!! The road turns crimsom and burst into flames, cuz heel is coming for them all!!! Rise the music up, rise your glass and welcome the riders: Johnny Blaze and Danny Ketch, the Ghost Riders Sculptures!!!!

Two different generations, two different riders, one sole spirit of vengeance! Hell run loose within their wheels, and its time to have 'em in Wicked!!!! Two portraits each, and lots of options for them!!!

Johnny Blaze: Our favorite Knievel have two different portraits:

Also, we have two options for the left arm:

And for the Base, we have a simple base too!

Danny Ketch: Same Drill for our Danny boy! Two Portraits!

And the helmet (our absolute favorite):

Also, we have a simple base for this one too!

Don't let these images fool you, cuz once printed, we promise these are going to be even better!!!

Release Date:

Tomorrow! We are finishing the biggest pack we have ever released in one go, and its getting all pretty for you!!!! So be ready, cuz most probably it will hit you in the early aftenoon!

Get the machines running, your printing plan on point and everything set and dandy, cuz this weekend you will have a whole repertory of the best Wicked Hit Parades to choose!!!

As always, our heart belongs to you!!!! Our art is completely yours and its made with one sole purpose only, and its to bring you the same happiness that you give us everyday!!! So enjoy what we have for you, and be ready, cuz its going to get even better!!!

Be ready, be better, be Wicked!
See ya tomorrow, Space Cowboy!


Helpful Links:

🔥 Welcome Pack & Current Term: https://www.patreon.com/posts/welcome-pack-76734795
🔥 How Wicked Works: https://www.patreon.com/posts/76735248
🔥 Community: https://web.facebook.com/groups/wickedartpatreon
🔥 Freebies for the community: https://linktr.ee/wicked3d
🔥 Q&A: https://www.patreon.com/posts/76735501



eric schnorr

Thank you superb files, on the big base Back_Wheel_1, the notch for the seat is missing


Hey Eric, What's uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup, my friend! How is it going! This has been fixed! Please go to the same link and download the files again, there you will see the FIX files! Let us know if you got it or if you need extra help.

Dean Rashkow

How do I order ones from previous months