2017-08-07 10:22:35
2018-09-02 12:34:32
Firstly, I would like to sincerely thank this person once again:
Luke Lionheart , for helping me to buy RAM, by donating $ 255, thereby saving a couple of months of work for more RAM. Now i have 32gb of RAM and can work with big, high-quality simulations, like fluid simulation, cloth simulations, soft body(very interesting simulation, i think i will work with it soon)and hair simulations.
Luke Lionheart , for helping me to buy RAM, by donating $ 255, thereby saving a couple of months of work for more RAM. Now i have 32gb of RAM and can work with big, high-quality simulations, like fluid simulation, cloth simulations, soft body(very interesting simulation, i think i will work with it soon)and hair simulations.
So. I was already getting close to completing the simulation of sperm and saliva. At the moment the necessary consistency is worked out somewhere on 60-65%. The sperm shader is completed by 80%. The shader of saliva is completed by 90%. Also, I started working on dynamic hair. Work on updating other characters is still ongoing. This is all news, for now.