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Firstly, I would like to sincerely thank this person once again:  
Luke Lionheart , for helping me to buy RAM, by donating $ 255, thereby saving a couple of months of work for more RAM. Now i have 32gb of RAM and can work with big, high-quality simulations, like fluid simulation, cloth simulations, soft body(very interesting simulation, i think i will work with it soon)and hair simulations.

So. I was already getting close to completing the simulation of sperm and saliva. At the moment the necessary consistency is worked out somewhere on 60-65%. The sperm shader is completed by 80%. The shader of saliva is completed by 90%. Also, I started working on dynamic hair. Work on updating other characters is still ongoing. This is all news, for now.




you planning on more animations bro =) ?


As I said earlier I want to do animations) from 1-3 minutes or more. But I want it to look as realistic as possible. For this, I need to master all types of simulations that will allow me to give realism to the behavior of models in the scene. I also plan to purchase a set of mocap sensors and special cameras. To capture the movement, so that all movements look believable and alive. But, the price on it just is fucking huge.

Firebox Studio

That's a lot of splooge xD, good work liquids ain't easy to do.


=o damn bro, you trying the mocap route huh. i hear that stuff is expensive though is it not ?