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Added few new featurues, Now i can use Substance Painter, so i decided to draw veins for my fit girls) they are slightly recognizable but gives a good touch to details on skin) I also tried to add small fluff on skin what we all have, wich one gives a correct light spread on the skin, this is what I need so much for a more accurate, realisitc light calculation, but this just crash my PC few times when i tried to render it lol, so i still have restrictons for my potential, even 3090 is not enough damn :D



Bim Skeeble

My God ❤️😍


I wonder if running 2 3090s in SLI would yield any benefit for rendering, unless you're already doing that. Maybe the 40 series will help solve the problem. Fantastic work my dude, you just keep finding more ways to make Mileena look even more amazing.


It's not lack of memory) it's more memory struggle at all, it's just stop working under so much calculations with particles on 3-4 level of subdibivision modificator so whole pc is just - poof :D All programs just crashed, like chrome, discrod, afterburner and all others that have anything in videomemory :D and it's possible to fix only with reboot of OC, i need faster and more multichannel VRAM)


The only thing I can think of next would be maybe CPU, what are you currently rocking in your rig?


Looks amazing! 😍


It's not CPU, my i9 9900k just chilling while i working or building scene for render, it's just weak and slow memory of 3090 which cannot cope with 100% load and starts dropping everything with errors, or even without, it just drops everything, because the sequence of actions for applications is violated there, because of which they start to crash and eventually the video driver itself crashes, or OS freezes.


Cool stuff! Nice to see some Mileena again, and nice to hear and see you are implementing newer art techniques. Hopefully you'll find workarounds and solutions for your PC issues.

