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Ayo. As some of you remember i was doing my body generator, so like after i worked on it on daily basis about half of year, everyday, full working day i got burnt out very strong, like on more than half of the year, like i wasn't able to think about it without feeling of nausea, so now feels like it ended and i can get back to it, if some of you following my twitter they know that i already did some stuff and keep going. So i will spent some time, about 5-7 days on redoing stuff with it. Already redid upper part completely, shapes, rig. Got better understanding of anatomy so i doing some improvments in rigging and etc.
Today almost completed legs, pain in the ass as usual damn knees, but feels like i've found way to make them super simple and natural in strong bending poses, tommorow will polish them and will move to hands and feets. After that will redo shitty DAZ bodybuilder shapes and will resculpt full body for muscles and other intresting stuff like pronounced veins and etc. And final step will be sculpting and baking skin facture, like goosebumps on ass and different displace in different places, so finally it wil lbe normally baked bump maps and not that thing from DAZ, it's not so bad, but also not so good, not balanced for PBR shading, more like it works good only in DAZ render enginge, vray or whatever it's name. So stay tuned, if something spice will be, i will share progress on twtter in comments under same post.


tormentor 666

Ooo. Like me some muscles.

Bim Skeeble

Lovely, can't wait to see the improvements! 🔥