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I'm back from vacation

But unfortunately I have to say that it wasn't as stress-relieving as I was hoping for. Within my first day-off I received multiple notifications of people DM'ing and tagging me for "when I'm back from vacation" to answer their questions, suggestions, ect. and my stress-level rose beyond comparison.

Imagine if you'd go on a vacation and before you even have the chance to relax, your boss DM's you going "Hey I know you're on holiday but here's a list of things you have to take care of when you're back home, 'k thanks byyyeeeee" - because that's the equivalent of how it felt like.
Muting Discord wasn't enough. I deleted the entire app from my phone so it wouldn't pester my mind any longer.

I am mostly at fault for this. It was important for me to appear approachable to my community, to not build an unreachable distance and show my gratitutde to my Patrons by devoting my time to them and I nurtured that image for a long time. But now it has reached a point where I can no longer answer to every question, suggestion and plead for feedback on art, stories or other personal projects I receive. It has just become too much and I need to set new boundaries. And I'll definitely need an extended break from Discord for another week or two until I no longer feel this pressure of having to answer to everyone, I literally haven't felt this stressed in years.
I wish I would have been able to stay in Denmark for a week longer to destress, one week simply wasn't enough.
With that being said though, I do think it's quite thoughtless and disrespectful to go "Hey, I know you're on vacation but I'll invade your privacy anyway" instead of waiting for a week with your inquiry when I'm back home. Especially since NONE of the messages I received were emergencies, and even then if something may have happened on the server, I have a team of mods for a reason.
Sure, I could have muted any notifications on my phone from the start, but I suppose I was simply naive enough to believe I wouldn't get any DMs so quickly after sharing on every social media platform that I was unavailable for a week.

Commissions will still open up next week, I don't plan on further delaying it, I'll still pick up on work again.
I just need more time for myself and take further time off from Discord.
I haven't closed my DMs, since I want to keep them open for commissions and in case there are any emergencies on the server (Basically something like Bot/Troll/Hacker-invasion, cases of cyber-bullying / conflicts that need to be settled, those kinds of emergencies).
But otherwise, please refrain from messaging or tagging me for the time being. I don't want to feel forced to completely shut myself off from my own community, but I have to take a step back at least.

I'm sorry to those I had already engaged with, who shared their projects with me and are still waiting on feedback from me, I just can't look into these projects anymore.
In the end I'm just one person and I have stretched myself far too thin over the past couple of months. I'm sorry.

Thank you for reading and as always, thank you for your support 😭💖💕💖



Ah I'm sorry to hear that El... I did read your message and knew so that's why I kept distant but yeah, that had to be stressful. Take a break as long as you need to feel mentally better. Again I'm sorry to hear that.

Random Jam

I really hope you can get some time to yourself and de-stress. Please take care El


I'm sorry for doing that to you. Sometimes I forgot what I've been told and I can understand the feeling with getting annoying messages sent to you, especially if you're trying to relax or is feeling ill and need rest to recover. So I apologize once again for being one of those who disturbed you, when you were trying to relax and enjoying your vacation.


I am sorry. Please rest well.


I'm sorry you had to go through that el. Take a break you'll need it. Next vacation mute everything or put the phone on not disturb. People need to learn boundaries. Sending love and good vibes to you !


It's a shame that people hear "taking a break" as "contact me as much as possible". Sucks that your vacation started like that. Rest up, funny artist.


The price to pay for being an active member of the community is a popularity you may not account for. I'm sorry to hear you never got the R&R you sought but I'm glad you're taking the steps to rectify such.


Wishing you all the best, El! Hope this week gives you some of the rest and relaxation you deserve