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No one Panic. This might be posted on the 1st of April, but it's about the 31st of March, so it's no joke.

My word count for March was 90,623 words. Largest word count this year, and I think to date.

While the word count is high, I didn't work on many projects.

I wrote chapters 18 to 47 of the second draft for The Society. I expect to finish that this weekend, at which point I'll need some Beta readers. If you're interested Note me.

I finished part 2 and 3 of Dietrich's Loss, and due to a reader I now know what's going to happen in part 4.

I wrote a prelude for Missing Son.

Wasteful Death is with the editor, and since I won't be getting it back until the end of April, I'm going to aim for a mid May for he publishing date.

Yes, not a lot of variety this month.

As always, if you want to read any of that, it's available on my Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/kindar


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