November Writing Update (Patreon)
And I'm back in the saddle, err, at the keyboard. So this being NaNoWriMo, technically, I made it, not that this was a single story, so actually, by the rules, I failed. No worries I wasn't playing. Never did NaNoWriMo.
Actually, I didn't think I'd make it. The month started very week, the fallout from October, and I'd resolved to be content if I did anything above October's 23k words. But things picked up in the second week, dipped a bit in the third and then exploded after that.
Part of the dip was that I was getting tired of working on income related projects. It was the 3rd novel in a row I was working on for publication in 2017. It’s a story I’m looking forward to writing, although each time I have a story meeting with my co-scripter about it, it gets deeper and a little more involved. For a break, I went back to one of my pleasure world, the Orr Chronicles, and I’m lining up to finish 2593, which might turn out to be the first draft of a published story, years into the future. Probably the mid-2020s, the schedule until then if already full, so unless I managed to get enough income from my writing to switch to that full time, you’ll have to wait for that story.
So, what did November look like?
I finished the first Draft of Crimson, writing Chapters 37 to 39. The story is Book 2 in the Tristan Series and focuses on Alex. The first draft is 78k words long. I already expect cut 1000, since the first chapter feels like an info dump, and I’m pretty sure I can fit the information elsewhere.
I started the first draft of ‘A Familiar Death’, Writing Chapters 1 to 7. It’s the sequel to ‘ A Wasteful Death’; which Follows Marlot as he needs to go back to his hometown to deal with the unclaimed death of one of the councilors. And also with the mindset of the people living there.
As I said, I needed a break, so I went back to 2593, writing Chapters 9 to 16. It’s the story of Eric Orr, the captain of a freight puller, in the year 2593, who can’t seem to keep trouble from following him, oh and who has sex with everyone on his crew. (He’s an Orr, who’s surprised by that.)
On the editing side, Demons is fully edited, and I expect it to be published shortly.
And that’s all there is.