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The word count for February was 54,934 words. 

What did I work on This month:

I wrote chapters 8 to 11 of Illuminar Academy

I got back to A Familiar Death, writing Chapters 11 to 15

Started working on Without Light, for my Patrons, as well as an untitled medical/slice of live drama. And I managed to finish the story of how the city of Tiranis was founded, the story is Called 'How it Began.

And no was should be surprised that I got side tracked by the Orr Family Chronicles, again. Writing the first chapter of 2626, It isn't exactly a sequel to 2593 as it follows someone who isn't related to the Orr, but characters from 2593 will show up.

On the editing side, I ran Tristan and A wasteful Death though Grammarly, and didn't come up with as much errors as I was led to believe there were.


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