[News] Quick Image resize & compress / More photo & video upscale models (Patreon)
1. Quick Image resize & compress
Already available in the latest version
In the next update, Waifu2x will offer the ability to quickly resize and compress images without using super-res, similar to those "image compressor" software.
I decided to add this feature because I found that the "image compressor" software I was using would noticeably degrade the image quality when downsizing, whereas Waifu2x does not have this issue. So why not use Waifu2x as an image compressor.
And here are 2 examples: 🔗💾comparison.7z
More options for this quick resize feature will be available in future updates, allowing Waifu2x to completely replace that image compressor software.
Not available right now, please wait for future update
2. More photo & video upscale models
I am also working on lightweight models for fast and high-quality real-life video and photo upscaling.
Additionally, there will be models specifically dedicated to video upscaling, which will offer better results compared to previous models.
I can't provide an ETA at the moment as I am still testing and training multiple models for various situations. And these models will not be available in the next update. However, expect more news about these developments in the future.