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This is the Premium version, Premium features are Unlocked, you can use it Commercially, and will NOT ask you for donation.
This a BETA version, click here to get Stable version.
You need to active the premium version for your PC, you can read this post to learn more: How to activate the Premium version
*You DO NOT need to re-activate the software if you already activated it, if you uninstall then re-installed the software, just enter the old activation code.

MEGA.nz💾🔗FULL Package 
SharePoint.cn💾🔗FULL Package 
MEGA.nz💾🔗Update Package (For v3.81.01 and Later versions)  
SharePoint.cn💾🔗Update Package (For v3.81.01 and Later versions)  
⭐You must fully installed v3.81.01 and Later versions before install the Update Package.

Sha256 (FULL Package):
Sha256 (Update Package):

- NEW Feature: [RAM Cache Validity Check] toggle, now you can use RAM Disk created by other software after disable this check.
- NEW Feature: [Auto Scroll] toggle for console.
- NEW Feature: Now GUI will be able to detect if the cache disk is full and cause engine carsh during frame interpolation and super-resolution.
- Improve error detection for waifu2x-caffe.
- Improve UI performance.
- Update FFmpeg, ImageMagick.
- Fix UI issue.



Hi. I've never really understood how the update thingy works. If you could give a link or a message of how it works it would be much appreciated. You download it yes, but then what.


When you download and unzip the "full package", there is a "Waifu2x-Extension-GUI" folder, right?


And when you download that update package, that folder is also there, just use the folder from update package to replace the old folder.(copy and paste, select replace everything, don't delete the old folder)


Maybe I should write a post about how to use the update package, but it's 1:40am here, so, I really should sleep now


Is possible to have all the processed upscaled frames of a video, in a png sequence or a video file not compressed? I also see that the program creates some intermediate mp4 files (30 sec of video split, I know I can disable this) and recompress everything in a final mp4 file. This is not very smart.


1. You can disable "process video by segment" in the video settings then enable "keep video cache" in the additional settings to keep all the frames


2. It generates splits because the process video by segment is enabled by default to save drive space. Those frames could take a lot space if you wanna process a long video. And yes, it was compressed but the compression won't create very noticeable difference.