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Hello all.

So yeah... progress. Update 0.21.0 was handed to proofreading and testing. Had to re-render one of the sequences because it had an issue that annoyed me. But that's done already so... although I need to make a note to add something to the codex. And speaking of the codex, I will look into adding familiars for the mages to it. It shouldn't be too difficult with the way I want to do it, but it will require some testing to be certain. Although Nisha already has her entry on the main cast page, but that's because she is seen most often out of the familiars and she has had an important role in the story overall.

And thus, I'll write the weekend and start rendering 0.2.0 on Monday and writing the next bit also then, most likely anyway.

No spoilers, thus some daily motivational render. The fights are problematic in a sense. They kind of work right now, but a lot of them will boil down to some sort of deadlock, at least until Nisha (or someone else) comes and mauls the opponent. Or distraction. But that is the nature of magic. The one who makes a mistake first loses. Or who is the fastest or the stealthiest one. It's partially why Garrett in Terminus Reach did a lot hand to hand combat, it's visually more pleasing than just walking into a room and snapping everyone's necks psionically. Or throw them into a steel wall at 100 kmph (60 mph). Although both did kind of happen occasionally. So I've been looking a way how to enhance some fights that might occur in the future... and I found it. And it was completely random from a store I knew existed but never really used before. Just need to learn how to tweak the vdb shader. Will it be now the default way to fight? Not really, it depends on the fight and the scene. But I like to have the option.

Anyway, have a nice weekend you all!




hotheads :)

daniel karlsson

if you kill them they are already cooked