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Hello all!

Monday... Yay...

Rendering... I'm a bit behind of things, partially because the electric company decided to cut the power for unannounced maintenance work. Annoying, but overall it is in okay shape. Might take couple hours longer to get where I want to be. But that being said, one and half scenes left to render. Not that it matters much as is since renders take the time they take, but it gives and estimate of how things are.

Writing in other hand, thanks to the pause in rendering, is in good shape since got to write a bit more. So I'm happy with it mostly.

And then we have a small chat with Riya. I realized that this update might be rather short for some people, Riya stuff can be missed. The Gladeling things can be missed if you didn't invite them to the village, or got the others killed. The gladeling decisions while helps the progress, are separate from the love interest choices. Just in case someone was wondering.

And then it is time for... these. I don't do holiday specials, they rarely make sense. And I kind of like doing these renders, they are simple to do, and just some light fun over all. Anyway, time to do more stuff...




Loving the renders!


Smurfette 😆 she's pretty 😍 . Thank you ✌️


I'm blue Da ba dee da ba di.......... :P


Keep up the good work dev


luckily i'm about to disappear into my fortress of solitude ^^


I'm glad you used the new character for that render, she's kinda hot. Thank You.


I did realise that I probably have enough characters for every day if I would wanted to... And might do

Death Strike Gaming

I agree with Seasonal stuff it always bugged me, its non canon story that takes time from the real story for renders. Something like a menu background change for that patch or gallery easter egg is usually enough. Then you have the issues of now you have a seasonal event just because of the time of year throwing off the story pacing and the person reading it could be in spring or summer making it redundant. Or the fact the holiday may not even be a holiday for that world.


Generally speaking, the time when people read it isn't much of an issue, the issue becomes mostly as you probably have figured, what is the time in the game? It would be fine if the story would be around December to begin with. That way, it wouldn't feel out of place as much... But it is Christmas, it is time for family and friends (so to speak), and depending on the story, it still might feel out of place even if the story would happen in December. If you are doing... basically the style I do most of the time, it might feel really awkward depending on what stage the main plot would be. Oh one of the LI's got kidnapped? About to assault a dwarven keep? No worries, let's have this Christmas party before! Yeah... that doesn't really work.


hmmm....i need no gift 😆 only her😍 ( she is the best Christmas present✌️ )