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Hello! I'm back with some more graphics today!

These are a continuation of the sprites from the previous update. These downed NPC sprites should have a variety of uses in your projects.

These new sprites are added to the blank areas from the initial sheet. You should be able to overwrite the sprite sheet without any problems.


At some point these will probably be released to the owners of the regular Time Fantasy set-- probably as a free update or as a part of a mega bundle. For now, they're patron preview graphics.

I'll be back next week with something new from the patron request thread.

Have a good weekend!




this looks like a field of fainted people, there could be a story behind this lol


That's deep lol. Maybe someone brought a strange fungus from a field of fungus to town...then that fungus grew within the guys house, then released spores that would cause the entire village to sleep...The town may grow into another field of fungus...waiting for it's next carrier.