Castle Stairs (Castle Tileset Update) (Patreon)
Here are some additions to the castle tileset that's a part of the base Time Fantasy tileset pack.
The north-south stairs were a part of a previous update (or planned for one? I had them in my version of the file but I don't know if they're in any of the main downloads) -- but I don't think many people have it.
The side stairs are new, I just made them this morning for you. The preview image above shows an example of how they could be used.
Here are the downloads for the add-on. As always, they're arranged in a regular grid so they can easily be added to any existing tileset.
(For RPGMaker, there wasn't room for me to add them onto the current castle tileset-- if you want to use them, you'll have to put them on a second sheet or replace some tiles that you aren't using)
Also, here's the updated master sheet. This sheet also includes the animated castle doorways that I created for patrons last year:
This is useful for those of you who don't use RPG Maker-- if you do use RPG Maker, you can use these and arrange the tiles however works best for you on an RM-compatible sheet.
I plan to be back later this week -- or maybe over the weekend -- with the beta of the animations pack. Right now, all the main animations are finished, including the elemental spells. All that I have left to finish are some special animations for status effects.