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How're yall liking her expressing her feelings? haha

I really tried keeping her hair, eyes , GLASSES and lips as accurate as possible (it was so difficult 💀🤣) but it was a fun process keeping things accurate. Looks berry pretty. Feel free to ask something about her facial features!  

Now, The Snowciel Character Sheet project is now officially halfway! Yes, halfway ! hoho

At first I was going to stop here, but I guess this next step is more of a bonus.

As per Snowciel's outfits sheet post before, I plan to draw like a splash art-ish of Snowciel in the outfits I drew! Pretty cool, riiight

It's more of a bonus but yeah it's been in my head for a while so yeye, excited!




Really like the design of her glasses. Appreciate you taking the time to explain it for the mere mortals!

Todd Henao

Nothing like seeing good art -- love how visually developed this character?

Oscar Quijada

I always love these explanations on design features in illustrations! (AI's can't do that, and probably never will be able to explain pure creativity concepts like design decisions for an original character)