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Street Fight Radio -Basement show - 8-17-2022

Street Fight Radio



Brett! I'm so glad you are doing better. Thanks for sharing your story. Some people under psychiatric supervision can't advocate for themselves so it's important to share how people are being treated inside. Your pain-in-the-ass attitude is your superpower. Give them hell.

Bradley Patrick

Glad your okay and doing better Brett!


I just got caught up and wow. I’m so relieved that you are feeling better but for you to share all that is truly amazing. I love your spirit so much!

luke szymanski

You have a big heart Brett, thanks for inspiring me to pay attention to others and care for other folks who have it far worse than I.

auf die Welle

Note to self. Wellbutrin. Not even once.

Chris Scully

It's so good to hear you again Brett! And to hear about your travels and experiences. What a trip! Hope you get hooked up by that lady and get a house to rock out in!


Glad to have you back Brett! A big relief for all of us


my psych ward experience was similar they treat you horribly and take blood at 3 am it’s total bullshit