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Bryan is back with Patrick Monahan from the What A Time To Be Alive podcast to talk about the FOX News attempt at late night shows with Greg Gutfeld.

Follow Patrick on twitter @pattymo & @whatatimepod 



David Brown

This is all an op by Bryan to get gutfeld to take the flub crown. And it's working


can't believe tyrus is 50, i had to look it up. that means the funkasaurus was already a guy in his mid 30s, hard to believe

Bruno Drundridge

Gutfeld 100% meant to say "tortilla-sized hubcaps", but he's such a reactionary shithead and so bad at reading his lines that it turned into "dorito-sized hubcaps" in his mouth. I'd feel bad for his writers, but there's no chance a person writing for Greg Gutfeld in 2022 is still checked-in.