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Bryan is back with Big Tim Murphy from TikTok to talk about the FOX News attempt at late night shows with Greg Gutfeld.

Follow Big Tim Murphy on TikTok & twitter - @unclebigtim


Gut Shot with @unclebigtim.mkv


Logan Ausherman

Bryan you are nearly inaudible on this


I am way too excited that other people are admitting that Red Eye was actually pretty okay. Greg still sucked, but he usually had people on to combat his points. And Oderus Urungus. Oderus was there too. Edit: I do wanna reiterate that Greg was always terrible. I was just 18 and it was something different when I had zero real-world experience. Still, the show at least tried sometimes,

Jake Chinatown

Nick Mullen on Red Eye making a war criminal laugh at a rape joke is top tier conservative comedy


Shillue was always nice to Nick Mullen, so I figured he's probably fine. I now see how wrong I was.


Red Eye just having Nick Mullen on because he asked them on Twitter as a joke did make them seem sorta cool, admittedly.


I think Red Eye worked in spite of Gutfeld. TV's Andy Levy and Bill Schulz(?) did a lot of the heavy lifting.